


 Effectiveness and usefulness of platform systems in the development and introduction of digital systems
 - From the case of the AI platform system developed by Takerobo Corporation -
  (東海大学総合社会科学研究. 第7号, 2024 <TB00000319>)

 Application and effects of interactive AI in role-play training : From the case of medical interview training
  (東海大学総合社会科学研究. 第6号, 2023 <TB00000270>)

 Co-Creative Educational System through AI Chatbots to The Traditional Craft Industry
  (東海大学総合社会科学研究. 第6号, 2023 <TB00000270>)

 Raising issues regarding the lack of purpose that hinders the introduction of AI
  (東海大学総合社会科学研究. 第5号, 2022年 <TB00000243>)

 AI-based communication robots and co-creation in service context : a case study of Takerobo Corporation
  (東海大学総合社会科学研究. 第5号, 2022年 <TB00000243>)

 Developing a community that extends healthy life expectancy starts with children's sleep! -Development of "Hokkori AI"-
  (日本睡眠学会定期学術集会プログラム・抄録集, 2022年)

 Visualization and implementation of needs for parenting AI
  (第49回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集, 2021年)

 Visualization of needs for unmanned childcare consultation room
  (第49回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集, 2021年)

 Proposals for issues and solutions in the spread of AI : From the case of Takerobo Corporation
  (東海大学総合社会科学研究. 第4号, 2021年 <TB00000209>)

  (杉並区政策経営部企画課, 2021年)

 A case study on construction of an online consultation room using visualization techniques
  (第48回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集, 2020年)

 Performance evaluation of natural language processing on childcare AI using visualization techniques
  (第48回可視化情報シンポジウム講演論文集, 2020年)

 Introducing examples of effective AI utilization in retail businesses and commercial facilities
  (SCマーケティング研究会, 2019年)

 Proposal of English Word Learning Software for Kindergarten Child Using Artificial Intelligence
  (日本教育情報学会「教育情報研究」, 2018年)

 Development of interactive teaching materials using AI and evaluation through practice
  (日本教育情報学会年会論文集, 2018年)

 Robot questionnaire evaluation system using RSNP
  (第31回人工知能学会全国大会論文集, 2017年)

  (理大科学フォーラム : 東京理科大学科学教養誌, 2014年)

 A study of collision avoidance at corner between the service robot and the human : Second Report: the proposal and evaluation of service robot's collision avoidance trajectory considered human's behavior(Robots for Home/Office Application)
  (ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2014)

 A study of collision avoidance at corner between the service robot and the human : First Report: Analysis of human behavior at corner(Robots for Home/Office Application)
  (ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, 2013年)

 Consideration and Verification of the Usefulness of Service Robots - Verification Experiment Report at Stores in Shopping Centers -
  (日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2013年)

  (2013 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts)

  (2013 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts)